About Best Pressure Washing Chicago

About Best Pressure Washing Chicago

About Best Pressure Washing Chicago

First of all, we would like to thank you for taking the time to visit the about page of our site. This is great news for us as we do want people to perform their due diligence. Why? It makes us look better. In truth, we feel that too many people just make this a quick decision.

When dealing with business or personal property they shouldn’t. I am sure some have gotten lucky as we are not the only company pressure washing in Chicago doing a great job.

However, We have seen some pretty funny-looking stuff over the last 30 years and wonder how someone paid for it.Let me start telling you about us by letting you know that yes we do have over 30 years of commercial, industrial, and residential pressure washing experience.

For instance, if you can name it we have most likely professionally cleaned it. In other words, there is not much we have not seen in all types of situations.


You see it is the situation that you have that makes your job unique. Cleaning a patio is one thing. Cleaning a patio with no drainage and on a tilt is another. I am sure you get my point. Over the last 30-plus years we have performed all types of jobs some more difficult than others.

The second item I would like to tell you about us is our equipment. You see even with our 30 years of experience without the right tools/equipment you would never know it. Our equipment is state of the art. Seriously I know you probably hear that on every website. Our steam pressure washing machine comes at a cost of over $10,000 and that is not all we have invested in our tools. We have specialty tools that help us reach the areas others can’t and the areas others won’t.

Third, we know what soaps and chemicals to use on what type of surface. Yes, there will be no experimentation on your property. All of that has been done 30 years ago. Don’t get me wrong we are always on the lookout for the latest soaps that can do more or make our job easier, but we know what we are looking for.If this sounds good to you please call 312-384-0044

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